Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Counsellor and Psychotherapist?

The terms ‘Counsellor’ and ‘Psychotherapist’ aren’t regulated in Australia which means they can be used widely in the community by people with varying degrees of training, skills, and professional development.

At The Art of She I take my professional standing as an allied health professional very seriously and am registered with both PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) and ACA (Australian Counselling Association). I continue to pursue professional development and am currently completing my Masters.

What happens in the first session?

Once I receive an inquiry I will message you to schedule a free 15-minute phone call or I will communicate via email. This is to provide an overview of my services and also to see if we are a suitable fit to begin therapy.  I generally then email an intake form and consent form or if you prefer this can be completed at the first session.

We will explore what has led you to seek support and what changes you’re hoping to achieve in your life. We will explore your current concerns and past experiences, to enable me to get to know you and determine what approach might be most helpful for you. I may also ask you to complete one or more questionnaires to help me better understand your issues. 

What will it cost?

I am a professional registered counsellor and Arts Therapist

 Fees: $130.00 up to 75mins

Medicare Plan is not available however concessionary rates and payment plans may apply. 

NDIS Self/plan managed are welcome.


I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Missed appointments and appointments that are cancelled with less than 24-hour notice are charged the full session fee. (except for cases of emergency).

PLEASE NOTE: If you are feeling ill in any way, please let me know and we will cancel or postpone your session to another day (with NO cancellation fee).

Rebates are available for select health funds. Police Health Fund,  Emergency Services Health, St Lukes Health, and Phoenix Health  provider number: AC17259T 

Why Arts and and sensory based intervention?

 Arts Therapy uses active engagement in the creative process to address mental, emotional, developmental, and behavioural challenges and can be beneficial for individuals that have difficulty verbalising their feelings. It uses the therapeutic relationship between client and therapist in the context of the artistic and play process as a dynamic force for change.

  • it can assist in identifying blocks to emotional expression and personal growth
  • it can assist in exploring imagination and creativity
  • it can provide the opportunity for a person to experience a different way of knowing that is enhanced by different sensory experiences
  • it can bypass unhelpful thoughts
  • it can help to develop new coping strategies
  • it can be fun
  • it focuses on strengths and abilities
  • arts therapy externalizes and gives form to unfolding material

There are individual reasons as to why someone may seek support. These include, however, are not limited to:

  • Anxiety
  • Body image
  • Difficulty managing emotions
  • Depression
  • Grief and loss
  • Maintain wellbeing
  • Trauma
How many sessions will I require?

This will depend on the nature of your challenges and your circumstances.

You will usually start to notice positive changes after one or two sessions. Some people only require short-term support (6-10 sessions) to notice changes in their lives. For people with more, long-standing issues, longer-term psychotherapy may be required.  Together we will regularly review our progress and plan to continue or begin to end the therapy.

Sessions usually occur on a weekly or fortnightly basis, to begin with, and then spread out over time.

What if I can only draw stick figures?

Your ability to do art is not important and drawing skills are only a small part of art expression. The emphasis is in the process and not the product, which is at the heart of all therapy.

No art training is required, just an open mind and the desire to explore the magic of the expressive arts.

What kinds of art activities can I expect to do in art therapy?

Expressive Arts therapy can include:

  • Clay
  • Collage
  • Drawing,
  • Painting,
  • Mindfulness
  • Sandtray work,
  • Symbol work
  • The possibilities are endless, and together we will determine what is best for you.
Can art therapists interpret my artwork?

No, the person who made the artwork is the expert in what has been created. As part of the reflective process the artwork can be discussed with the therapist.

Will I require a referral?

You do not need a referral to attend The Art of She. You use the contact button on the website to schedule an appointment. As Counsellors and Psychotherapists, we aren’t permitted to take referrals under the Better Access to Mental Health (mental health care plans) scheme. This is something that is being reviewed at a Federal Government level but is sadly outside of our control.


Is Therapy confidential?

All information discussed in Counselling / Arts Psychotherapy sessions is confidential, except in the following circumstances:

  • There is a risk to your safety, or the safety of another person
  • Our counselling notes are subpoenaed by a Court
  • You have provided us with permission to speak to another person or organisation about your circumstances